Thank You Lord

The snow was wonderful for about the first two days. As the days wore on, it bacame a little burdensom so we are glad for the break in the weather. Thank You Lord for the mild climate we normally enjoy here on the island.
On Sunday, January 11, Tom Johnson will bring a message to us out of Isaiah 40:21-31 entitled Principles of Spiritual Renewal. We haven’t heard Tom speak before so we look forward to hearing him for the first time.
After the service, we will have a partial potluck dinner. It is partial because the meat dish with be prime rib cooked by Steve Hochenedel. Some will bring salads and desserts. There will be more food than all of us can eat no matter how many show up, so please plan to stay for the meal.
After the meal we will have our annual congregational meeting which won’t take too long unless people seems to want to talk. We are a social bunch, so I expect there will be lots of opportunity to share. If you think you might want to attend, and even to eventually join, you should attend the meeting to watch how we do church business. Hopefully you will see Jesus in our lives and in the church.
God bless you this week.

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